Monday, September 10, 2007


My first tests results are out.


A part of me expected this as I was playing a fool most of the time and busy the rest of it.

Blardy well studied for the tests the day / night before.

Oh yeah, did I mention that I stayed in the library for 9 hours straight cramming for one of the tests?!


Now the question is this,
Should I let go of all the other responsibilities, forgo lepak time and focus on my studies instead?



MyKy said...

forgo bit of your responsibilities, but still have fun in between!

Anonymous said...

9 HOURS??!!!
Perhaps we could come up with something like "study-a-thon" competition...
Your endurance is truly admirable...
Three cheers for Amy!

amy-da-great said...

i can't very well let go of stuff that i've already agreed to in the first place... I shall try harder to say no the next time!

Crazy right?!
I had no choice though..last resort. lol

Anonymous said...

mebbe you should work a little bit more during the usual days and you can actually spend lesser time when the exam comes. Coz we can't really cover that much in a day.

Better luck next time. :)

Anonymous said...

haha... good question! I actually was facing the same thing in the mid of the year and i chose to let go most of the responsibilities that I can get... and i'll never let go FUN! without them, I'm meaningless!

studies? who says studies gonna gurantee you a sure thing (of course study gave u tht paper but, everyone got that paper rite?)?

however, continue to study! haha! all the best ya! muacks~

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, 9 hours still stayed for 11 hours straight without break & lunch..9am-8pm..till the librarian shoo-ed me

MyKy said...

wtfbnn eevon tan.... 11 hours? Gosh.... I felt sooooo inferior. I spent only about 1 hour, max.