Saturday, August 05, 2006

We will remember

I knew you by name, we were acquaintances, though not close;
We shared many common friends.
You were intelligent, bright,
You were beautiful,
You shone.
Like an evening star, first to appear in the dimmed skies,so early,
That early you left.
You touched many lives,
Your mark, though brief, will always burn,
Forever engraved in memories of sweet, in hearts with fondness,
Wrapped in blankets of warm love.
Soon, too soon. But we know,
You live on.
Your smile and presence,
You live on.
You live on in those who were lucky,
To have bumped into the flower scented path,
that is yours.
You live on.
In words spoken, in deeds done,
You live on.

And we live,
In memory of you.

The news broke.
No words could express.
Silent prayers.

In memory of Lam Soo Kean,
a friend.
I am honoured to have crossed your path.


Anonymous said...

She'll be remembered.

Anonymous said...

Indeed.. she'll live on always in our memories.